Friday, May 05, 2006

Moved out, but not moved in

I AM NO LONGER LIVING IN THE DORMS!!!!!! HORRAY!!! Now that's something to celebrate. I'm absolutly thrilled to not live in the dorms again. I'm only going to live here at home for a week, then I'm off to France!!! I'm so excited. I'm assuming that when I come back I'll only live here for a few days before I move back up to Greeley, in my house!!, to find a job and get settled before school starts. I'm super excited to see what God has for me in the next couple of months. It will be difficult to understand if only one or two people accept Christ, or if no one does at all. Be in prayer for the people that I will be ministering to. I'm still somewhat in the dark to what we will be doing. First week-trainning...becoming accustomed to speaking French. I think speaking and listening will take more than week to become good at; however, I think I'll try and practice as much as I can this week. Second week-go out and survey women and try and spark their intrest in The Truth! This is going to be the most difficult thing the whole trip I think. Only being in France for two weeks and having to step out of my comfort zone and try to speak to them in French about won't be me talking, because I don't even know the vocabulary to say those things. After that, I don't know. Setting up meeting times to get to know these people, building relationships, discipling them. I'm not nervous yet. I'm not really scared yet. I don't think either of those will set in until I go through security at the airport. I'll be all alone for three months, halfway around the world. God laid something on my heart last week that really needs prayer. I can't really describe it yet because God hasn't totally revealed it to me. I think this summer he will reveal more to me about it, but please be in prayer for what God has called me to do after I get back from France...if it's truly from God then it is going to be AMAZING.


Stacey said...

Living in limbo. One more week my friend and then you will become a "Frenchian" (yes I just made that up). It saddens me that you are leaving but God has some intense things ahead for you. You will affect many lives. Planting seeds in the lives of God's children. Remember, that God uses everyone, the weak, strong, smart, not so smart, to impact His kingdom. Always keep His kingdom in your vision!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear all about what God has done in your life over this summer. I am always in prayer for you.

Loves, hugs, and prayers