Saturday, August 19, 2006

One step closer...

My bible study was amazing this morning. I am greatly blessed by our Lord and Savoir. I've spent this apparently dreary morning watching a sad movie... Steel Magnolias followed by listening to Mercy Me and diving into my Experiencing the Heart of Jesus Bible study. Today was a look toward heaven that sent my heart to dancing. How can the thought of being one step closer to seeing Glory face to face. Will I be speechless? Or will I sing praises to the King? I will not shead a tear, for tears will be no more!! There will be no sadness, no mourning, no "good days" and "bad days." We will all be made new and be in the presence of our creator.
Here are a few verses to check out, hopefully they will encourage you as they did me.
Hebrews 12:2 Revalations 22:12 Habakkuk 3:17-18. Well those are just a few...but I pray God blesses you today.

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